Thursday, 24 July 2014

History Blogs and Websites Recommendation

Hello dear reader!

I'm very new when it comes to history "blogging". I read the blogs from more experienced bloggers more than I'm active on my own blog. Also I've taken a lot of inspiration from other blogs during the creation of my own. This can be compared to Tsar Peters reforms of the Russian army where he took a lot of inspiration from other western armies and not to say the least from the Swedish army.

So I thought in this post I'll recommend my favorite blogs and websites:

In Swedish:
* - Website about Swedish history (some parts in English)
* - Above's blog about war, caroleans and tin soldiers.
* - Wesite about Swedish history mainly Great Northern War.
* - Website about the Battle of Fraustadt.
* - Above's blog.

In English:
* - Blog about the Great Northern War.
* - Blog about Russian history of war. Many parts about Great Northern War and in Russian.
* - Blog about European wars during the end of the 1600s and early 1700s.
* - Blog about Anglos-Dutch and French-Dutch wars during 1600 and 1700s. Many parts in Dutch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gustav, You look like a pretty knowledgeable guy about the GNW. I am putting together a magazine collection of GNW articles in English. Do you have any interest in contributing one? I am particularly interested in articles about the Carolean Death March or the Battle of Staket. Let me know if you are interested. We have 13 articles so far. Steve Kling
